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Jan 2025:

-An expert comment on clouds and their role in global warming for
Kanal A &
(in Slovenian)

Nov 2024:
-Podcast An der Quelle on my science and beyond (in German)

-Participated in a round table on the state of climate by STA (in Slovenian)


Oct 2024:

-Commented for an article on solar geoengineering by RND (in German)

Sep 2024:

-Presented on a performance walk near Sela na Krasu (Slovenia)


Jun 2024:

-On geoengineering at the #DiplomacyTechTalk @BMEIA

May 2024:

-On geoengineering for Ö1 Radio - Morgenjournal

-I held a talk on geoengineering embedded n the lecture series "Ringvorlesung Nachhaltigkeit - Lectures for Future: Klimakrise und Nachhaltigkeit" at the University of Klagenfurt/Celovec


Apr 2024:

-On cloud seeding not influencing the Dubai flooding event 2x
(  and

-On climate projections, clouds, and climate (

-On geoengineering for newspaper (

-On geoengineering for the Slovenian national radio 3x (Intelekta and in

an extended version for Podobe znanja; short, 9 min version for

Jutranja vremenska fronta).

Mar 2024:

- For Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung on the cancellation of the

SCoPEx experiment (pdf) 

-3 x 45 min lectures on aerosols, weather and climate modification, and
their implications
at the University of Ljubljana (in Slovenian)

Feb 2024:

-5 x 5 min mini series on Solar Geoengineering for Ö1 Radio

-I held a talk for general public on solar geoengineering for VHS Vienna

Jan 2024:

-Discussing Geoengineering in the podcast Freitag in der Arena

Oct 2023:

-A statement for Slovenian National TV on weather modification in Tednik


Aug 2023:

- On ORF1 radio about Solar Geoengineering for Journal Panorama

- Interview for Jana magazine (Podnebni fizik in raziskovales o umetnem
spreminjanju podnebja

- On the extremely warm North Atlantic for

(Očistili smo ozrač s tem dodatno segreli oceane)


July 2023:

- On hail formation for (Kako v resnici nastane toča?)

- I discussed geoengineering for the podcast "Tauwetter"  

(Wie sich das Klima manipulieren lässt?) and was featured in an

article on geoengineering in the Austrian magazine Profil

(Geoengineering: Irrsin oder Klima-Rettung?)


May 2023:

- I wrote a blog post for the newspaper of the University of Vienna on solar

geoengineering (A planetary sunscreen can probably cool the climate, but  not solve the climate crisis)

-I held a talk for general public on solar geoengineering for VHS in the

Vienna's Planetarium in Prater

-A few of my thoughts on  geoengineering for Der Standards'

"Rätsel der Wissenschaft" (Können wir die Erde künstlich kühlen?) and in:

"Warum künstliche Klimakühlung dringend besser erforscht werden muss")


Apr 2023:

-Discussing geoengineering for (in German)

(period.editorial: Climate Engineering)

-Interview for "Tiroler Tageszeitung" (in German)

(Physiker über Technologien: „Geo- Engineering ist kein Plan B für

den Klimawandel“)

Mar 2023:

-I talked about geoengineering for Ö1 radio (in German)

(Kann Hi-Tech die Klimakrise Lösen)

-Interview for (in Slovenian)

(Spreminjanje vremena: rešitev ali "morfij" za podnebno krizo?)


Feb 2023:

-Interview for on clouds, climate, weather modification, and

geoengineering (in Slovenian)(Skrinjica geoinženiringa je že odprta)


Dec 2022:

 Talk about the future changes in clouds and climate modeling (slides)

(recording) for Društvo VTIS (in Slovenian)

Sep 2022:

- Interview for (in German)

 (3 Methoden, wie manipulierte Wolken die Erderwärmung senken) 

-I commented on ideas of weather modification for

("Dürren: Kann mann Wolken impfen, um Regen zu erzeugen?")


Jul 2022:

-I chatted about extreme precipitation events and climate change for the Slovenian national radio

(Vedno bolj zgodnji vročinski valovi, vedno bolj silovite nevihte, Jul 5)

Jun 2022:

-Interview in Der Standard ("Geoengineering ist Morphium, keine Heilung")

Mar 2022:

-I gave a talk Modifizierungen von Wetter und Klima: von Wetterläuten bis Geoengineering  at the Symposion Dürnstein (Austria)

-I wrote a newspaper article for Der Standard "Geoengineering - a painkiller against climate change"

-and a newspaper article explaining the basics about cirrus cloud
geoengineering (in German) with a title "Rettung aus den Wolken?" for Der Pragmaticus.

Nov 2021:
Science is Wonderful!, talk for the broader public on clouds and climate
(in Slovenian); Razblinjanje oblakov dvoma: bodo oblaki ojačali ali omilili globalno segrevanje?

Oct 2021:
helped organize a transdisciplinary Massive Open Online Course on the basics of climate science together with many colleagues from the University of Vienna. It's freely available (in German) on the following link Klimawandel MOOC: KliMO 

March 2021:
The brochure dedicated to young people called "WTF is Climate Change!?" has been published in English, Slovenian, and Hungarian language and is accessible on the website of the Sustainaware project.

Dec 2018:
Interview on Radio Koper (local radio station) talking about living abroad and my research

Jan 2018:
Interview on the Slovenian national TV about cirrus cloud geoengineering

Jan 2018:
Radio interview about my work and life in Switzerland (in Slovenian)

Nov 2017:
Can clouds help us counteract global warming (Science slam public talk, in Slovenian)


Photo: ®Klaus Ranger

Articles (partially) featuring my research​:

  • Wired: "Climate change is here. It's time to talk about geoengineering." (Nick Stockton, 2017)

  • Newsweek: "Climate change and geoengineering: artificially cooling the planet Earth by thinning cirrus clouds" (Hannah Osborne, 2017)

  • Live Science: "Cool the Planet? Geoengineering Is Easier Said than Done" (Tracy Staedter, 2017)

  • Spiegel online: "Plan B für eine zu heiße Erde" (Christopher Schrader, 2017)

  • El Tiempo: "Nubes artificiales permiten combatir el cambio climático" (2017)

  • CSCS news: "Can cirrus cloud seeding help to "save" the climate?" (Simone Ulmer, 2016)

  • ETH Zukunftsblog: "Is geoengineering research going outdoors?" (Blaž Gasparini and Ulrike Lohmann, 2015)

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